Saturday, December 09, 2017

tool: Miniconda: mini Anaconda

Miniconda — Conda download

conda/conda: OS-agnostic, system-level binary package manager and ecosystem @GitHub

Glossary — Conda documentation

"The conda package and environment manager is included in all versions of Anaconda®, Miniconda and Anaconda Repository."

"Conda" Package, dependency and environment management for any language—Python, R, Ruby, Lua, Scala, Java, JavaScript, C/ C++, FORTRAN
Conda is an open source package management system and environment management system that runs on Windows, macOS and Linux.

"While it’s possible to install Python directly from, we recommend using Condainstead. Conda is a package management system, from ContinuumIO, created specifically to assist working with Python packages in a cross-platform fashion. Its real strength comes in handling Python packages which require compiled code–such packages are especially prevalent in the scientific Python ecosystem.

Anaconda vs. Miniconda

There are two options for getting Conda: Anaconda and miniconda. Anaconda is a full distribution of Python, and comes with over 150 packages in the download; consequently, this download is over 3GB. Anaconda is good if you want to have many packages downloaded and available in one shot; this is especially useful if you know you’ll be working offline for awhile. Miniconda contains only Python and other libraries needed to run Conda itself; other packages will be downloaded and installed as requested."

Or, get community edition of PyCharm

books: A Whirlwind Tour of Python; Python Data Science Handbook

A Whirlwind Tour of Python

free ebook:
A Whirlwind Tour of Python - O'Reilly Media

"To tap into the power of Python's open data science stack—including NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-learn, and other tools—you first need to understand the syntax, semantics, and patterns of the Python language. This report provides a brief yet comprehensive introduction to Python for engineers, researchers, and data scientists who are already familiar with another programming language."

Amazon Market vs Brands?

 Amazon is spawning a new industry | Search | LinkedIn

The Hidden Player Spurring a Wave of Cheap Consumer Devices: Amazon - The New York Times

"Using Amazon to get around middlemen, Wyze Labs can sell its WyzeCam for $20 to $30, while comparable indoor monitoring cameras from Nest and Netgear cost around $200
The company’s three founders all worked at the retail giant, and they said they had been inspired by Amazon’s high-volume, low-margin approach to sales.
It’s not a race to the bottom...Sellers are forced to create better products at lower pricing, and sellers who aren’t able to do that just get weeded out.
Amazon... started a lending program to allow businesses sell through its platform to scale up; last year, its loans exceeded $3 billion.
In a way, Amazon is providing all this information that replaces what you’d normally get from a brand, like reputation and trust. Amazon is becoming something like the umbrella brand, the only brand that matters.”

Amazon's also sells its own security camera for $120, with similar specs as Wyze.  Marketplace, in particular on Amazon, has many affordable products, but most don't get attention and large sales, and those that do are creating new brands.

Amazon Cloud Cam Indoor Security Camera, works with Alexa