Hosting and scaling your apps with Azure Container Service - YouTube
Steve Lasker on Docker Tools for Visual Studio | Seth Juarez | Channel 9
Get started with Docker for Windows - Docker (download .MSI)
Docker Hub (to download images)
Get started with Docker for Windows - Docker (download .MSI)
Docker Hub (to download images)
"Build your first container using Docker on Hyper‑V
Free, hands‑on virtual lab
# open PowerShell as an admin
PS> Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName containers
PS> Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName *hyper*
PS> Restart-Computer -Force # maybe not needed?
PS> New-Item -Type Directory -Path $env:ProgramFiles\docker\
PS> [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + ";$env:ProgramFiles\docker", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
In this 30‑minute, hands‑on virtual lab, you will be guided through the basics of installing, deploying, and managing a Docker container as well as, fundamentals for incorporating Docker on Hyper‑V into your current development plans."
# open PowerShell as an admin
PS> Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName containers
PS> Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName *hyper*
PS> Restart-Computer -Force # maybe not needed?
PS> [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + ";$env:ProgramFiles\docker", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
# close and re-open PowerShell as admin, to reload paths
PS> ipconfig # only one network adapter is present
PS> dockerd --register-service
PS> Start-Service Docker
PS> ipconfig # see multiple network adapters
PS> docker network lsPS> ipconfig # see multiple network adapters
Windows Container Networking @ MSDN
# installing Windows Nano Server
PS> Install-ContainerImage
PS> docker load -i C:\ContainerSource\nanoserver.tar.gz # 684 MB
PS> docker images
PS> docker tag microsoft/nanoserver:10.0.14393 nanoserver:latest
PS> docker run -it --isolation=hyperv --name dockerdemo nanoserver cmd
PS> docker images
Hyper-V Containers @ MSDN
> dir
> ipconfig
> ping,
PS> docker ps
> exit # this stops container
PS> docker ps # nothing
PS> docker ps -a # includes nanoserver
PS> docker start dockerdemo
PS> docker attach dockerdemo # resume session
> ipconfig
> ipconfig > c:\ipconfig.txt,
> exit
PS> docker images
PS> docker run -it --name newcontainer newcontainerimage cmd
> type c:\ipconfig.txt
> ipconfig # comes different IP address
> exit
PS> docker rmi newcontainerimage
PS> docker images
PS> type dockerfile
PS> docker build –t nanoserver_iis1 c:\build\iis
PS> docker images
PS> docker run -it --name iis1 nanoserver_iis1 cmd
> dism /online /apply-unattend:.\unattend.xml
Install Nano Server @ MSDN
> exit
PS> if (!(Get-NetFirewallRule | where {$_.Name –eq “TCP80”})) { New-NetFirewallRule –Name “TCP80” –DisplayName “HTTP on TCP/80” –Protocol tcp –LocalPort 80 –Action Allow -Enabled True}
PS> docker run –it --name iiscontainer –p 80:80 nanoserver_iis2 cmd