Friday, April 17, 2020

Lisp in Python & JavaScript

(How to Write a (Lisp) Interpreter (in Python))
by Peter Norvig

(An ((Even Better) Lisp) Interpreter (in Python))

nidhinp/Lisp-Interpreter: Lisp Interpreter in JavaScript
Implementation of Peter Norvig's Lisp Interpreter( in Javascript.
Lisp Interpreter in JavaScript - Nidhin P - Medium

maryrosecook/littlelisp: A small Lisp interpreter in JavaScript @GitHub
A mini Lisp interpreter in JavaScript. Supports lists (obvs), function invocation, lambdas, lets, if statements, numbers, strings and the library functions firstrest and print.

Mary Rose Cook

Scheme (programming language) - Wikipedia

Smalltalk vs Scheme, JavaScript, and Java - Smalltalk Talk - Medium

SLip - a Lisp system in JavaScript, for browsers

(free) book: Introduction to Computing: Scheme + Python


Introduction to Computing
Explorations in Language, Logic, and Machines
David Evans

Download Full Book (PDF) Order Printed Copy (Amazon)

Computer science studies how to describe, predict properties of, and efficiently implement information processes. This book introduces the most important ideas in computing using the Scheme and Python programming languages. It focuses on how to describe information processes by defining procedures, how to analyze the costs required to carry out a procedure, and the fundamental limits of what can and cannot be computed mechanically.

link from Peter Norvig's