- "swarms" : groups that communicate in parallel, together, are much smarter than individuals (bees)
- "herds" : groups where individuals follow one another are just larger, but less smart than individuals (sheep).
Big idea: to enhance human intelligence by effective communication, to be a viable competition to machine artificial intelligence.
Unanimous AI CEO Dr. Louis Rosenberg on Human Swarming @ Singularity 1 on 1
"...company Unanimous AI; the definition of a swarm and its differences from both a herd and a crowd; his platform computer interface for human swarming called UNU; predicting the Oscars with a human swarm; flocks of birds and schools of fish versus swarms of bees; swarms of experts as a super-expert; Miguel Nicolelis‘ brain-to-brain computers; collective intelligence
...Rosenberg has been awarded more than 300 patents for his technological efforts."
Unanimous AI CEO Dr. Louis Rosenberg on Human Swarming - YouTube