Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Amazon Auto ?

Jeff Bezos to employees: 'very excited' about auto industry

"At an all-hands staff meeting in March, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos told employees that he’s fascinated by the recent developments in the auto industry, adding that it was one of the main reasons why Amazon led a $700 million investment in electric vehicle start-up Rivian in February.

“If you think about the auto industry right now, there’s so many things going on with Uber-ization, electrification, the connected car — so it’s a fascinating industry,” Bezos said according to a recording of the meeting CNBC has heard. “It’s going to be something very interesting to watch and participate in, and I’m very excited about that whole industry.

Bezos’ comments give a rare glimpse into his interest in the auto industry, which Amazon entered in February through its investments in Rivian and another self-driving tech start-up, Aurora. Investing in autonomous technology could eventually help Amazon offer faster and cheaper delivery, as well as automation in other areas, like its cashier-free grocery stores.”