"For the "Internet of Things" to thrive, all it needs is for all devices to get along—which is currently wishful thinking. Last week, however, Google announced a partnership with Carnegie-Mellon University, which is leading a collaboration of faculty from several other academic institutions on a project to jump-start the Internet of Things revolution. Their plan: Build a universal platform that lets any device talk to any other device. And fittingly, that master-key solution will be open source.
The joint project between CMU, Cornell, Stanford, Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Google wants to wipe away the private-industry middlemen that keep sensors in separate sandboxes by creating a new, open platform: GIoTTO."“We funded the Open Web of Things expedition to encourage universities to explore various aspects of system design that could help enable the Internet of Things,” said Maggie Johnson, director of university relations for Google. “From the many excellent proposals received, we’ve chosen Carnegie Mellon to lead because of their vision for a living laboratory, validating system design through daily use. Cornell, Illinois and Stanford were selected to join based on their unique approaches for tackling critical challenges related to privacy & security, systems & protocols and HCI."
"...To create its living lab, CMU will saturate its campus with sensors and infrastructure, recruit student and other campus members to create and use new IoT apps, and eventually expand efforts to the wider Pittsburgh community..."