name "Lit" stands for "little" library
This is going to be Lit 🔥 with Justin Fagnani (JS Party #284) |> Changelog
Lit, a library that helps you build web components. With 17% of pageviews in Chrome registering use of web components, Lit has gained widespread adoptionlinks:
- Lit docs & examples
- Throwback Lit html episode on the Web Platform Podcast with Amal
- Polymer Library - Lit’s predecessor
- Custom Elements
- Shadow DOM
- Templates and Slots
- JS Tagged Template Literals
- Lit Element base class
- Amal’s singing about “dangerously set innerHTML”
- Proposal for Scoped Custom Element Global Registries
- Proposal for declarative Shadow DOM
- Proposal for Template Instantiation
- Proposal for DOM Parts
- Proposal for “open-stylable” Shadow Roots
- Proposal for JavaScript Decorators
- Lit labs packages
- Google’s Wireit - updates your npm scripts to make them smarter
- Justin’s npm cli RFC for adding Googe’s Wireit script runner to npm