with the performance of Objective-C, a clean syntax like Python,
on the same runtime as Objective-C, for iOS and MacOS apps.
The Swift Programming Language: The Basics @ developer.apple.com
Swift (programming language) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
println("Hello, world")
let people = ["Anna": 67, "Beto": 8, "Jack": 33, "Sam": 25]
for (name, age) in people {
println("\(name) is \(age) years old.")
- Free eBook about Swift:iTunes - Books - The Swift Programming Language by Apple Inc.
- Apple shows off Swift, its new programming language | Ars Technica
- Apple Launches Swift, A New Programming Language For Writing iOS And OS X Apps | TechCrunch
- The Swift effect: Apple's new programming language means way more iPhone developers and apps | The Verge
- Apple unveils Swift, a new programming language for iOS, Mac | PCWorld
- Apple Announces Swift, A New Programming Language for iOS and OS X
- TL;DR: All the News You Need From WWDC | Gadget Lab | WIRED
iOS 8, MacOS 10.10 "Yosemite"
This may force both Android and Windows to pick or create a dialect
from their ecosystem with similar characteristics... Will not be easy,
in particular to get "native-like" performance with JVM or CLR.
Maybe a subset derivative from C++11?
In any case, Apple is leading again...