Saturday, March 07, 2015

Learning Azure Machine Learning

free ebook: Download free ‘Data Science in the Cloud’ report from O'Reilly - The Fire Hose
by: Stephen Elston
by James McCaffrey
by James McCaffrey

by Seth Juarez

"Peter Norvig keynotes on using machine learning techniques to solve more general software problems, helping both the advanced programmer and the novice one."

by Seayoung Rhee, Buck Woody, Scott Klein

visual learning: Illustrative Mathematics

Illustrative Mathematics

a "responsive" web site, with a lot of educational visual content
supported by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Helmsley Charitable Trust, and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

while it is "mobile/tablet" friendly, the navigation is a bit "confused"
and no clear path of purpose and usage... at least some content available online...