Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Microsoft AzureCon 2015

AzureCon 2015 | Microsoft Azure
streamed online 

cloud: Apache Mesos, Mesosphere DOS @ Azure

Mesos Logo

Apache Mesos - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Apache Mesos is an open-source cluster manager that was developed at the University of California, Berkeley. It "provides efficient resource isolation and sharing across distributed applications, or frameworks".[1] The software enables resource sharing in a fine-grained manner, improving cluster utilization.

Since being developed at UC Berkeley, it has been adopted by several large software companies, including Twitter,Airbnb and Apple. At least 50 organizations currently use Mesos

Introducing The Mesosphere Datacenter Operating System

Mesosphere DCOS on Microsoft Azure - Mesosphere

Mesosphere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

New Azure Container Service to bring together Mesos, Docker and Azure cloud | ZDNet