If it is worth keeping, save it in Markdown
Markdown files are essentially plaintext with some extra syntax for common elements like sections, bullet points, and links. The format deliberately avoids precise control over display details like font selection4. Following the rule of least power, I consider this limitation a feature. For contrast, consider PDF - a format so powerful that it can run Doom.
Linux running in a PDF file - YouTube
Doom in a PDF file : r/itrunsdoom
Doom (1993) in a PDF file - YouTube
Doom (1993) in a PDF file - YouTube
Play it here: https://doompdf.pages.dev/doom.pdf
The PDF file format supports Javascript with its own separate standard library. Modern browsers (Chromium, Firefox) implement this as part of their PDF engines. However, the APIs that are available in the browser are much more limited. It turns out that old versions of Emscripten can compile C to asm.js code that will happily run inside the limited JS runtime of the PDF engine. ... used the doomgeneric (https://github.com/ozkl/doomgeneric) fork of the original Doom source, as that made writing the IO fairly easy. All I had to do was implement a framebuffer and keyboard inputs. Unlike previous interactive PDF demos, the output for DoomPDF is achieved by creating a text field for each row of pixels in the screen, then setting their contents to various ASCII characters. This gives me a 6 color monochrome display, that can be updated reasonably quickly (80ms per frame). The source code is available at: https://github.com/ading2210/doompdf