Cloudy IT future is already here.
It's just not evenly distributed yet.
Here is how the future of your enterprise IT looks like, get used to it.
This a typical 4th generation container with about 1000 servers,
deployed in one of 20+ humongous data centers
that Microsoft is building at frenetic pace
on strategic locations all over the World.
Even smallest of such centers have more than 250 000 servers!
My "back of the napkin" calculation: Microsoft has already spent
more than $10 billion on more than 5 million servers...
It's only a year since Microsoft started Windows Azure revolution...
Windows Azure is a serious change in the OS world.
Dave Cutler, the creator of Windows NT, as well as DEC VMS before this, is also one of creators and leaders of Azure... Azure is based on Windows 2008 and Hyper-V.
Microsoft management was clearly not afraid of another change...
A short time and a huge amount of money later,
this could be a biggest assembly of computers
that world has seen so far...
IT professionals beware: the change is here. Sun is Eclipsed,
and so are on-premise data centers by a simple economy of scale:
computing power in containers like this is 7 times cheaper that best optimized Dell or Sun/Oracle servers.
Adjust, or go the way of dinosaurs when a huge clouds covered the earth after an asteroid hit the Earth...