When you’re in your Element, your sense of time changes. If you’re doing something that you love, an hour can feel like five minutes; if you are doing something that you do not, five minutes can feel like an hour.
The most watched TED talk:
Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity @ TED
@ Amazon
What Graduation Speeches Should Say but Don’t by Ser Ken Robinson @ Time
...people who love what they do as being in their element. To begin with, they’re doing something for which they have a natural flair. It could be for business, the law, teaching, social work, music, carpentry, sport or working with animals. You name it. But being in your element is more than doing things you’re good at. To be in your element, you have to love the work too. As they say, “Find a job you love and you’ll never work another day in your life.”
Sir Ken Robinson: How To Discover Your True Talents @ Forbes
- life is not linear
- money is no guarantee of happiness
- the greatest obstacles to finding your Element may lie inside you