claims prominent AI researcher and entrepreneur Andrew Ng:
Futurist Kevin Kelly, author of book The Inevitable suggests:
Kevin Kelly on Twitter:
"The business plans of the next 10,000 startups are easy to forecast:
Take X and add AI"
In that context, it is reasonable to expect a huge demand for people educated to be able to use AI.
And this is a new field of competition, in particular between USA and China.
In China now there are dedicated colleges and university schools for AI.
Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Data Science
=> "AI Engineering & Science"
Data Science Vs Artificial Intelligence: Is Data Science Dependent on AI?
Original AI was one of the oldest applications of computer science,
but only in last about 10 years thanks to Moore's Law, cloud, and new improved techniques,
there is a significant progress in "Machine Learning" and "Deep Learning" sub-domains of AI.
There are already "AI optimized" computer chips, and this will expand quickly.
"AI models" may soon provide viable alternative for human-crafted computer programs.
This is a "brave new world", and education will need to keep up with this.
"Department of AI" may soon be on many Universities as well as in many Enterprises.
The Top 15 Employers Hiring Artificial Intelligence Talent @ Forbes
"...there’s a staggering talent shortage — fewer than 10,000 people in the world have the skill set to conduct important AI research... The shortage has driven salaries sky-high: AI specialists reportedly fetch compensation of $300,000 to $500,000.
"One year later, Microsoft AI and Research grows to 8k people in massive bet on artificial intelligence – GeekWire
Top 20 Artificial Intelligence Engineering Schools in the U.S. 2016 – Computer Science Degree Hub
25 Best Artificial Intelligence Colleges | Successful Student
Best Artificial Intelligence Programs & Top Computer Science Schools - US News Rankings
China and the US are battling to become the world’s first AI superpower - The Verge
China enters the battle for AI talent @ nature
China’s AI dreams
China wants to bring artificial intelligence to its classrooms to boost its education system | South China Morning Post @ sciencemag
A quote by a great hockey player, explaining how he was so succesful:
"I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been" - Wayne Gretzky