Thursday, August 02, 2012

Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 "Released to Manufacturing"

Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 Released to Manufacturing!!! | Channel 9

Dost this mean Steven Sinofsky is likely next CEO of Microsoft :) He delivers on time...

Win8 will be available for developers on August 15... Why this 2 weeks delay?
Maybe because final Visual Studio 2012 will also be available then...

Windows 8 Developer Camps and Hackathons - Coming July to September

Devhammer's Den - Windows 8 Developer Camps and Hackathons - Coming July to September

Apple vs Samsung "Proxy War"

Apple to jury: iPhone changed everything—then Samsung built knockoffs | Ars Technica

"It was a presentation that would have made Steve Jobs proud. Just as Jobs knew how to stun the public and the press with a shiny new Apple product, Apple lawyer Harold McElhinny was smooth and direct in his presentation. Using big bold slides, and a bit of video to show off the best features, he laid out a simple version of smartphone history that put his client at the center: Apple came first. Imitators like Samsung followed. And now it's time for them to pay up."

The most interesting part is that this in fact is a proxy war with Google's Android.
Like Vietnam and Korea proxy wars between USA and USSR...
Who wins such wars?