Thursday, March 14, 2024

Pi: A Million Digits of Pi in 9 Lines of Javascript

A Million Digits of Pi in 9 Lines of Javascript

A Million Digits of Pi in 9 Lines of JavaScript | Hacker News

let i = 1n;
let x = 3n * (10n ** 1020n);
let pi = x;
while (x > 0) {
        x = x * i / ((i + 1n) * 4n);
        pi += x / (i + 2n);
        i += 2n;
console.log(pi / (10n ** 20n));

SpaceX's 3rd Starship launch

What time is SpaceX's 3rd Starship launch test on March 14? | Space

SpaceX launch at 9:25 a.m. EDT on March 14.

success, ship in space!

SpaceX's Starship megarocket, the world's lartest and most powerful rocket, reached orbit for the first time Thursday in a historic third test flight from South Texas.

Watch Live! SpaceX Starship to launch on 3rd integrated test flight - YouTube  starts at 8:40 AM

Starship and Super Heavy: SpaceX's deep-space transportation for the moon and Mars | Space

pi: SVG + JavaScript code in Unicode: π, Δ, φ

from Practical SVG Tutorial

SVG: Circle Arc

const Δ = Δ % (2*π); 
const rotMatrix = f_rotate_matrix (φ); // letters look different in different fonts! φ = φ


const cos = Math.cos;
const sin = Math.sin;
const π = Math.PI;

const f_matrix_times = (( [[a,b], [c,d]], [x,y]) => [ a * x + b * y, c * x + d * y]);
const f_rotate_matrix = (x => [[cos(x),-sin(x)], [sin(x), cos(x)]]);
const f_vec_add = (([a1, a2], [b1, b2]) => [a1 + b1, a2 + b2]);

const f_svg_ellipse_arc = (([cx,cy],[rx,ry], [t1, Δ], φ ) => {
/* [
returns a SVG path element that represent a ellipse.
cx,cy → center of ellipse
rx,ry → major minor radius
t1 → start angle, in radian.
Δ → angle to sweep, in radian. positive.
φ → rotation on the whole, in radian
URL: SVG Circle Arc
Version 2019-06-19
 ] */
Δ = Δ % (2*π);
const rotMatrix = f_rotate_matrix (φ);
const [sX, sY] = ( f_vec_add ( f_matrix_times ( rotMatrix, [rx * cos(t1), ry * sin(t1)] ), [cx,cy] ) );
const [eX, eY] = ( f_vec_add ( f_matrix_times ( rotMatrix, [rx * cos(t1+Δ), ry * sin(t1+Δ)] ), [cx,cy] ) );
const fA = ( (  Δ > π ) ? 1 : 0 );
const fS = ( (  Δ > 0 ) ? 1 : 0 );
const path_2wk2r = document.createElementNS("", "path");
path_2wk2r.setAttribute("d", "M " + sX + " " + sY + " A " + [ rx , ry , φ / (2*π) *360, fA, fS, eX, eY ].join(" "));
return path_2wk2r;