Sunday, December 22, 2024

Calendar 2025: AI National Parks, v3, months & seasons

continuous calendar 2025 "months" (new) 

with AI illustrations in impressionist style (new)
US National Parks, 
with national holidays, 
and moon phases (new)
printable PDFs

English, with US official holidays,
and moon phases (EST), Letter size

English, Europe, A4 size

Serbian, latinica, A4 size

Serbian, ћирилица, holidays, moon phases, A4 size

"seasons" (winter, spring, summer, autumn/fall)

Postgres INSERT, 2x faster

using different SQL command can speed up insert 2x with Postgres DB

Boosting Postgres INSERT Performance by 50% With UNNEST

INSERT INTO sensors (ts, sensorid, value) 
  FROM unnest(
INSERT INTO sensors (sensorid, ts, value)
  ($1, $2, $3), 
  ($4, $5, $6), 
  ($2998, $2999, $3000);