Saturday, November 25, 2023

Nikola Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe

Letter from Marc Alessi - Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe

Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe Laboratory was struck by a serious fire at November 21, 2023

the structural integrity of the building, dating back to 1901, seems to have withstood the ordeal. 

The Future Is Mine: 2022 Progress and Plans at Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe - YouTube

Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe - Wikipedia

APIs: Microservices vs Monolith

REST APIs for Microservices? Beware! - YouTube

Are you using REST APIs for a Microservices architecture? If you're using REST, HTTP APIs, gRPC, or any other Request/Response model as the primary way to communicate between microservices, you're going to need to deal with possibly hard to debug latency issues and address availability concerns.