Friday, October 15, 2021

JS "AI" :) Training the car to do self-parking using a genetic algorithm

 GitHub - trekhleb/self-parking-car-evolution: 🧬 Training the car to do self-parking using a genetic algorithm

Self-Parking Car Evolution

This is an experimental project with the aim to learn the basics of how genetic algorithm works by teaching the cars to do the self-parking. The evolution process is happening directly in the browser. You may check the evolution source-code (in TypeScript) or read the explanation of how it works

The project is a React application written on TypeScript. Styled with BaseWeb.

The 3D world simulation is made with Three.js library using @react-three/fiber wrapper. The physics is simulated with Cannon.js using cannon-es wrapper.

The whole evolution simulation is happening directly in the browser.

Self-Parking Car Evolution