Friday, August 22, 2014

tool: CocosSharp by Xamarin

Xamarin tools emable mobile development for iOS and Android possible in C#/.net, and XamarinForms enable portable "forms" GUI for mobile platforms.

(Almost like HTML5, but in .NET). Now, portable mobile graphical programming is also possible by an open source library:

CocosSharp: Xamarin Forks Cocos2D-XNA

"Xamarin has forked Cocos2D-XNA, a 2D/3D game development framework, creating a cross-platform library that can be included in PCL projects.

Xamarin has decided to stop contributing to Cocos2D-XNA, forking instead the framework and creating a new library called CocosSharp which is open sourced on GitHub under a MIT license. For the beginning, Xamarin has refactored the source code in order to create “an idiomatic version of Cocos2D for the .NET environment.”

Introducing CocosSharp | Xamarin Blog:

"CocosSharp blends the power of the Cocos2D programming model with C# and the .NET Framework." 

Fabric.js Javascript Canvas/SVG Library

Fabric.js Javascript Canvas Library:

"Fabric.js is a powerful and simple
Javascript HTML5 canvas library

Fabric provides interactive object model on top of canvas element
Fabric also has SVG-to-canvas (and canvas-to-SVG) parser"

The Best Print API/SDK Solution |

kangax/fabric.js · GitHub

Print-On-Demand Network Debuts Hellopics, A Shutterfly Alternative That Competes On Price And Selection | TechCrunch

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