Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Alibaba Cloud: Aliyun

Ambitious Alibaba takes aim at the kings of cloud computing | TechCrunch

"NASDAQ-listed Amazon’s market cap exceeds $400 billion, while Alibaba is valued at $250 billion according to its NYSE share price.
Two years ago, Alibaba decided to take the cloud part of its business more seriously and expand outside of China with a billion dollar investment in Aliyun (now known as Alibaba Cloud in English). At the time, Alibaba Cloud’s president Simon Hu made a bold prediction, telling Reuters, “Our goal is to overtake Amazon in four years, whether that’s in customers, technology, or worldwide scale.”

Alibaba is sixth in the world behind AWS, Microsoft, Google, IBM and Salesforce in infrastructure, platform and hosted private cloud services"

VS2017 Microservices Architecture

GitHub - dotnet/eShopOnContainers: Easy to get started sample reference microservice and container based application (Currently in ALPHA state, ongoing progress, accepting feedback and pull-requests). Cross-platform on Linux and Windows Containers, powered by .NET Core and Docker engine. Supports .CSPROJ with Visual Studio 2017 and also CLI based environments with Docker CLI, dotnet CLI, VS Code or any other code editor

Visual Studio 2017

Visual Studio Drone

March 7-8 | Visual Studio 2017 Launch Event
Visual Studio 2017 Launch and 20th Anniversary Event

What's New in Visual Studio 2017

Downloads | Visual Studio Official Site

How to make an offline installer for VS2017 - Scott Hanselman

Channel 9: Videos for developers from the people building Microsoft Products & Services

Azure CLI 2.0 on Python

Original Azure Command Line Interface (xplat CLI) is based on node.js (JavaScript).
New version is based on Python. Apparently Linux admins prefer Python.
Or just use PowerShell (core :)

Azure CLI 2.0 | Azure Friday | Channel 9
"Azure CLI 2.0 is optimized for managing and administering Azure resources from the command line, and for building automation scripts that work against the Azure Resource Manager."

Azure Command Line 2.0 now generally available | Blog | Microsoft Azure

Exploring the new DevOps - Azure Command Line Interface 2.0 (CLI) - Scott Hanselman

Install the Azure CLI 2.0 | Microsoft Docs

Azure/azure-cli: Command-line tools for Azure. @ GitHub

Azure CLI 2.0 Highlight Reel