Learning | XPRIZE
"The Learning Prize Group envisions a future with unprecedented, individually-tailored opportunities for lifelong learning, literacy, autonomy, and career readiness, as well as widespread tools for uplifting entire populations from the vicious cycle of poverty. We aim to empower a universally-educated population, with equal access to information and knowledge regardless of age, gender, race, nationality, or socio-economic status."
$15 M, for software that could teach illiterate person anywhere in the world to become literate in 18 months, by personalized education;
will test 5 leading in Africa, and open source it to be available on every phone and tablet
Abundance the Book - by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler — Abundance - the Future is Better Than You Think - is a new book by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler. Official Abundance the Book website.
Bill Clinton Interviews Peter Diamandis on Abundance
"uplifting humanity"
"do it yourself economy"
"world's biggest problems are world's biggest opportunities"
"energy to come from solar revolution" (we get 5000 times from sun than it is needed)"
"aquaculture and vertical farming"