purpose: meaningful + valuable contribution to the world
The Path to Purpose by William Damon | PhilosophersNotes - OPTIMIZE with Brian Johnson William Damon | Brian Johnson
William Damon - Wikipedia
The Path to Purpose: How Young People Find Their Calling in Life: William Damon: 9781416537243: Amazon.com: Books
William Damon | The Path to Purpose
The Path to Purpose by William Damon - YouTube
("purpose = sustained passion")
“The purposeful are those who have found something meaningful to dedicate themselves to, who have sustained this interest over a period of time, and who express a clear sense of what they are trying to accomplish in the world and why. They have found a cause or ultimate goal that inspires their efforts from day to day and helps them fashion a coherent future agenda. They know what they want to accomplish and why, and they have taken concerted steps to achieve their ambitions.”
"The alternative?
"Parenting for Purpose:
- The disengaged drift. They’re not passionate about anything beyond themselves
and their own enjoyment. - The dreamers may aspire to create a life of meaning
but they haven’t grounded those - dreams into a practical, realistic plan to bring it to fruition.
- The dabblers jump from thing to thing without sustained commitment
an essential aspect - of being on purpose."
- Listen closely for the spark, then fan the flames.
- Take advantage of regular opportunities to open a dialogue.
- Be open-minded and supportive of the sparks of interest expressed.
- Convey your own sense of purpose and the meaning you derive from your work.
- Impart wisdom about the practicalities in life.
- Introduce children to potential mentors.
- Encourage an entrepreneurial attitude.
- Nurture a positive outlook.
- Instill in children a feeling of agency, linked to responsibility."
"Entrepreneurial spirit:
- clear goals and realistic plans to accomplish them
- optimistic, can-do attitude
- persistence in the face of obstacles and difficulties
- tolerance for risk
- resilience in the face of failure
- determination to achieve measurable results.
- resourcefulness and inventiveness in devising the means to achieve those results"
This is a great analysis, and would be great if there was a simple "formula" how to establish "purpose". Cal Newport has a solution for that in his book:
So Good They Can't Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love - Cal Newport
The formula is simple: focus on doing well in what you are doing, not on what you would like to do.
By having good results, you start liking what you are doing, and have more options to chose how to improve. So that is aligned with "Entrepreneurial spirit", but more actionable.