Presented during Keynote of Microsoft Build conference
Day One Keynote Presentation | Build 2015 | Channel 9
Developing StaffPad, a new class of music notation application with Dr. Matthew Tesch on the Hanselminutes Technology Podcast: Fresh Air for Developers
StaffPad - Write Naturally
"StaffPad is a brand new class of notation app, designed to take advantage of the advanced pen and touch input found on Microsoft Surface* and other compatible Windows 8.1 devices. As you write notation using the pen, StaffPad recognises your handwritten music and converts it into a beautifully typeset score which you can further edit, playback, print and share. StaffPad combines the best of working on paper with the best of working digitally, evolving the same process that's been used for hundreds of years to write countless masterpieces. Natural pen input, detailed orchestral playback and powerful score editing features mean that StaffPad is perfect for professionals, and easy for beginners."