Sunday, February 01, 2015

web: Wallpaper image+video (Formstone)

Wallpaper Demo
 source: "path/to/image.jpg"

 hoverPlay: true,
 source: {
  poster: "path/to/poster.jpg",
  mp4:    "path/to/video.mp4",
  ogg:    "path/to/video.ogv",
  webm:   "path/to/video.webm"
Formstone/Wallpaper @ GitHub
Responsive Websites With Bootstrap 3 – Pluralsight Training

data: Syncfusion Big Data Platform (free & ebooks)

Syncfusion’s New Big Data Platform Puts Big Data within Reach for Wider Audience

Syncfusion Big Data Platform | Big Data Platform simplifies working with Hadoop on Windows

  • "Easy-to-use Hadoop-based big data platform
  • Deploy to (Azure) HDInsight or local clusters
  • 100% free for everyone
  • Free commercial support for Syncfusion Plus members
"The Syncfusion Big Data Platform provides the following benefits:
  • Windows installers containing Hadoop, Sqoop, Pig, and Hive.
  • Complete management interface for working with Hadoop.
  • Pig and Hive samples.
  • C# MapReduce samples.
  • Showcase samples that highlight the power of the platform.
  • Commercial-level support."

50+ free Ebooks | Resources | Syncfusion

smart, AI: Microsoft Neural Network Lab

A large number of interesting articles about Neural Networks
by James McCaffrey from Microsoft Research

Neural Network Lab -- Visual Studio Magazine

What is the relationship between "Visual Studio Magazine" and "MSDN Magazine?"
Some similar, but not the same articles. For example:

Multi-Swarm Optimization for Neural Networks Using C# -- Visual Studio Magazine
Test Run - Logistic Regression Classification with Multi-Swarm Optimization -- MSDN Magazine
(January 2015)