Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Visual Terraform: InfraMap...

 Tools to Visualize your Terraform plan | by Vidyasagar Machupalli | vmacwrites | Medium

Visualise Terraform State : Terraform @Reddit

InfraMap: Terraform infrastructure diagram showing only the resources that are relevant : devops

cycloidio/inframap: Read your tfstate or HCL to generate a graph specific for each provider, showing only the resources that are most important/relevant. @GitHub GoLang, MIT lincense

cycloid/inframap - Docker Image | Docker Hub

Pluralith @GitHub : GoLang, Ruby, TypeScript MPL license

Pluralith is currently in Private Alpha

Pluralith - Visualize Terraform Infrastructure

im2nguyen/rover: Interactive Terraform visualization. State and configuration explorer. @GitHub, GoLang, Vue, MIT

Rover - Terraform Visualizer
  1. generates a plan file and parses the configuration in the root directory or uses a provided plan.
  2. parses the plan and configuration files to generate three items: the resource overview (rso), the resource map (map), and the resource graph (graph).
  3. consumes the rsomap, and graph to generate an interactive configuration and state visualization hosts on

WebGL (three.js) Chess: chessboard3js

jtiscione/chessboard3js: WebGL chessboard library @GitHub

chessboard3.js is a standalone JavaScript chess board based on WebGL that mirrors the API of the widely used chessboard.js 2D board library by Chris Oakman. It is designed to be a drop-in replacement for chessboard.js and should run with any existing client code that currently uses chessboard.js to display a 2D board.

demo: chessboard3.js

schowdhuri/chess: Two-player chess: WebGL 3D @GitHub (MIT)

demo: Chess

nathanfriend Projects: WebGL Chess

WebGL Chess

nfriend/webgl-chess: Final project for HCI 557: Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling at Iowa State University @GitHub (GPLv3)

This project is built with the following technologies: