Thursday, April 19, 2018

Metaparticle: cloud-native container apps on Kubernetes

A new research project from co-creator of K8S
to simplify deployment with containers.

Metaparticle - A standard library for cloud-native applications on Kubernetes | Azure Friday | Channel 9

Azure Friday | Metaparticle - A standard library for cloud-native applications on Kubernetes - YouTube

"Metaparticle is a standard library for cloud native applications on Kubernetes. The goals of the Metaparticle project are to democratize the development of distributed systems. Metaparticle achieves this by providing simple, but powerful building blocks, built on top of containers and Kubernetes."

Rather than being external, container features become available as a program library (i.e. .NET attributes) to be referenced from the code and used at runtime.
[Metaparticle.Package.Config(Repository = "", Publish = false)]
public static void Main(string[] args) => Containerize(args, () => {
   .UseKestrel(options => { options.Listen(IPAddress.Any, port); })
}); @ GitHub