Nice web slides navigation (and useful information!)
Workflows of Refactoring by Martin Fowler
TDD "red-green-refactor cycle"- Red: Add a Test
- Green: Make it work:
- Refactor: Make it Clean
The metaphor of Two Hats (
"You can only wear one hat at a time")
Litter-Pickup Refactoring
This is often referred to as the boy-scout rule.
Always leave the code better than when you found it.
Comprehension Refactoring
clear code, like clear writing, is hard to do
"People should be always on the look-out for substandard code. Often as a team learns, code written a few months ago can now seem lacking, and should be fixed."
Preparatory RefactoringA common analogy for this is prep work before painting.
Planned Refactoring
schedule refactoring as part of their planned work,