and a new integration library based on .NET standard, for both .NET 4 and .NET Core
Azure Service Bus and the .NET Standard SDK | On .NET | Channel 9
AMQP: supported by Service Bus and Event Hub
Azure Service Bus Messaging Overview | Subscribe! | Channel 9
Azure/azure-service-bus: ☁️ Azure Service Bus service issue tracking and samples @ GitHub

Azure messaging services comparison | Microsoft Docs
Service | Purpose | Type | When to use |
Event Grid | Reactive programming | Event distribution (discrete) | React to status changes |
Event Hubs | Big data pipeline | Event streaming (series) | Telemetry and distributed data streaming |
Service Bus | High-value enterprise messaging | Message | Order processing and financial transactions |

Azure Event Grid and Event Hubs integration | Microsoft Docs
"Azure Event Grid is an intelligent event routing service that enables you to react to notifications from apps and services. The Event Hubs Capture and Event Grid sample shows how to use Azure Event Hubs Capture with Azure Event Grid to seamlessly migrate data from an event hub to a SQL Data Warehouse."