I was checking if there may be a web version of
SketchUp program,
and Google revealed interesting story of creating Chromebook and Chome OS:
(10) How can I use Google SketchUp on a Chromebook? - Quora
"Jeff Nelson, Invented Chromebook, Former Googler
Sketchup is unfortunately a Windows runtime built for i386 CPUs, not a webapp.
If you have one of the Intel-based Chromebooks, like Chromebook Pixel, It's possible to run Windows apps, though not easy, by running WINE"(10) Jeff Nelson - Quora
In the Clouds: Inventing Chromebook
"...First, Chromebook was initially rejected by Google management. In fact I wrote the first version as early as July 2006 and showed it around to management. Instead of launching a project, the response was extremely tepid. My boss complained, "You can't use it on an airplane." Actually, you could as, under the covers, it was still a bare-bones Linux distribution and could execute any Linux program installed on it...
...the main priority of Chromebook - originally - was not to write a webapp-only operating system. In fact, the main priority when I started constructing the operating system was the need for speed - to create a super-fast operating system.
...The solution? Move the entire desktop operating system into RAM. By moving the entire operating system into RAM, that immediately took off the table the largest performance bottlenecks in the operating system: File I/O."