Friday, October 25, 2019

webUSB, webMIDI, webBluetooth

Oh my web! Connecting to devices with your browser | LibertyJS 2019 - Largest Javascript conference in Philadelphia

littleBits | Electronic Building Blocks for the 21st Century

Bluetooth 5: Go Faster, Go Further | Bluetooth Technology Website
800 ft

Micro:bit Educational Foundation | micro:bit BBC micro:bit micro-controller with motion detection, compass, LED display and Bluetooth: Computers & Accessories

WebUSB API @GitHub

Access USB Devices on the Web  |  Google Developers


navigator.usb.requestDevice({ filters: [{ vendorId: 0x2341 }] })
.then(device => {
  console.log(device.productName);      // "Arduino Micro"
  console.log(device.manufacturerName); // "Arduino LLC"
.catch(error => { console.log(error); });

Chirpers | IoT Robotics

Ron Dagdag's Projects -

chrome.usb - Google Chrome

Use the chrome.usb API to interact with connected USB devices. This API provides access to USB operations from within the context of an app. Using this API, apps can function as drivers for hardware devices. 

Apollo GraphQL

Apollo GraphQL | Apollo Data Graph Platform— unify APIs, microservices, and databases into a data graph that you can query with GraphQL

Apollo: One Giant leap for Full Stack | LibertyJS 2019 - Largest Javascript conference in Philadelphia

Welcome to Apollo: One giant leap for Full stack!

DomitriusAnthony/playlists-workshop: Apollo: One giant leap for Full-stack @GitHub

DomitriusAnthony/apollo-todo: Building a Todo App with apollo-link-state to demonstrate Graphql Queries and Mutations within React @GitHub

prisma - npm

Domitrius Clark – Medium

Domitrius Clark | LinkedIn

Reactadelphia (Philadelphia, PA) | Meetup


Serverless - The Serverless Application Framework powered by AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and more

Making a Serverless Development Portfolio - In Seven Days or Less | LibertyJS 2019 - Largest Javascript conference in Philadelphia

Serverless in 7 Days

Fernando Medina Corey
Serverless Application Patterns - Indexing Searchable User-Generated Content

Using the Serverless Framework with Node.js on AWS | Pluralsight

serverless - npm

JavaScript + MIDI + Microcontrollers

JavaScript + MIDI + Microcontrollers Workshop | LibertyJS 2019 - Largest Javascript conference in Philadelphia

George Mandis • Full stack web developer and creative technologist • George Mandis

More Than Music with MIDI, Tiny Computers & JavaScript

Overview | Introducing Circuit Playground | Adafruit Learning System

MIDI - Wikipedia

MIDI in JavaScript: array of 3 numbers; supported by native web browser API

Espruino - JavaScript for Microcontrollers

More Than Music with MIDI, Tiny Computers & JavaScript | Let's Build Things!

Array with morse-code as keys (in javascript). @GitHub

Web MIDI Starter
MIDI Color Mixer

JavaScript, MIDI, Tiny Computers

georgemandis/circuit-playground-midi-multi-tool: Turn your Adafruit Circuit Playground into a multi-faceted MIDI controller. Designed for my workshops experimenting with the WebMIDI API

Irving: React based, isomorphically rendered, headless CMS

alleyinteractive/irving: Irving is a ReactJS based, isomorphically rendered, headless CMS frontend application.

Home · alleyinteractive/irving Wiki

Components API · alleyinteractive/irving Wiki

Isomorphic Rendering · alleyinteractive/irving Wiki

Isomorphically-rendered apps run roughly the same code on both the servers side (node) and the client side (your web browser). This means they can render any given page in either environment (or both).

Brain.js vs TensorFlow.js: ML in web browser

Brain.js: Neural networks in JavaScript

vs TensorFlow.js

brain.js logo
Simple Machine Learning With JavaSNeural Networks In 

JavaScript - Brain.js Tutorial | Scrimbacript - Brain.js - YouTube

Neural Networks with JavaScript - Full Course using Brain.js - YouTube

11 Javascript Machine Learning Libraries for 2019 - Bits and Pieces

A Neural Network Playground

TensorFlow.js demos  |  TensorFlow

Milecia McGregor | LibertyJS 2019 - Largest Javascript conference in Philadelphia