Saturday, September 03, 2016

Azure: Microsoft Data Science VMs

Microsoft Data Science Virtual Machine for Windows and Linux now available – Microsoft Faculty Connection
"The Microsoft Data Science Virtual Machine is an Azure virtual machine (VM) image pre-installed and configured with several popular tools that are commonly used for data analytics and machine learning. The tools included are:

  • Microsoft R Server Developer Edition
  • Anaconda Python distribution
  • Jupyter Notebooks
  • IDLE
  • Azure Machine Learning
  • Cortana Sample Gallery
  • Microsoft Azure Poweshell
  • Git Bash
  • SQL Management
  • Visual Studio Community Edition,
  • Power BI desktop
  • SQL Server Express edition
  • Azure SDK"


Team Data Science Process (TDSP) @

Ten things you can do on the Data science Virtual Machine | Microsoft Azure

trends: Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Machine Learning

Neuromorphic Chips: a Path Towards Human-level AI