many good links from podcast
htmx: a new old way to build the web with Carson Gross & Alex Russell (JS Party #307) |> Changelog
</> htmx - high power tools for html (
- htmx site and docs
- EPIC htmx Twitter
- Hypermedia Wikipedia
- Hypermedia Systems - A free digital book from Carson Gross, Adam Stepinski, and Deniz Aksimsek
- Hypermedia Reintroduction (from Hypermedia Systems book)
- Infrequently - Alex Russell’s EPIC blog
- The Market for Lemons
- Performance Inequality Series from Alex Russell
- Netflix Web Performance Case Study (refactoring the Netflix login to vanilla html, js and css)
- Roy Fielding’s Dissertation on REST
- REST APIs Must Be Hypertext-Driven
- HATEOAS Wikipedia
- Open Web Advocacy Group
- Open UI Group
- The Website vs Web App Dichotomy Doesn’t Exist
- As We May Type
- More Capable Form Controls
- Fun Hacks for Faster Content
- Google jsaction lib on Github
- Intercooler.js (Carson’s precursor to htmx)
Previous Changelog interviews with Carson Gross on htmx:
</> htmx ~ Is htmx Just Another JavaScript Framework?
"while htmx can be used as a framework, it’s a framework that deviates far less from the web’s semantics than the JavaScript frameworks do, and will benefit from improvements in those semantics with no additional work from the user, thanks to the web’s excellent backwards compatibility guarantees. If you want to build a website that lasts for a long time, these qualities make htmx a substantially better bet than many of its contemporaries."Getting Started With HTMX: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners –