Saturday, February 11, 2017

web: Solving Performance Crisis

Is JavaScript becoming "sugar" (bad diet) of the web?

Solving the Web Performance Crisis | The Microsoft Edge Dev Show | Channel 9

web slides: Solving the web performance crisis

The web is Doom - mobiForge
average web page weight equal that of the Doom

.NET @2017

What .NET Developers ought to know to start in 2017 - Scott Hanselman

What Great .NET Developers Ought To Know (More .NET Interview Questions) - Scott Hanselman

Three FREE Training Courses on ASP.NET Core from Microsoft Virtual Academy - Scott Hanselman

AI: Microsoft CNTK vs Google TensorFlow

Comparison of deep learning software - Wikipedia

Microsoft launches the next version of its deep learning toolkit into beta | TechCrunch
"CNTK used to stand for ‘Computational Network Toolkit’ but the software has now been renamed to Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit instead."
CNTK Revisited. A New Deep Learning Toolkit Release from Microsoft | The eScience Cloud

Machine Learning - Exploring the Microsoft CNTK Machine Learning Tool @ MSDN Magazine
By James McCaffrey | January 2017 | Get the Code

"The Microsoft Computational Network Toolkit (CNTK) is a very powerful command-line system that can create neural network prediction systems. Because CNTK was originally developed for internal use at Microsoft, the documentation is a bit intimidating. In this article I walk you through the process of installing CNTK, setting up a demo prediction problem, creating a neural network model, making a prediction,and interpreting the results."


A Brief Look at CNTK v2.0 In "Machine Learning"

A Neural Network in Python In "Machine Learning"

Binary Logistic Regression with CNTK In "Machine Learning"