Sunday, September 24, 2017

course: Flying Cars

The only missing part: "sponsored by Amazon :)"

Flying Car | Udacity

"Learn the latest in flying car technology and drones from the best in the field. Develop the software skills and conceptual understanding necessary to build an autonomous flight system for quadrotor and fixed-wing drones.
Be a pioneer!"

Flying Car Nanodegree Program - YouTube

4 Real Flying Cars That Actually Fly - YouTube

AWS device farm, Xamarin Test Cloud, Google Cloud Test Lab

new competition of "cloud" service providers...

Mobile App Testing on Devices – AWS Device Farm

"WS Device Farm lets mobile app developers test their apps against a wide array of mobile devices and catch bugs early "
link from:
AWS Podcast | Listen & Learn About AWS

Amazon Device Farm vs Google Cloud Test Lab vs Xamarin Test Cloud | Somenath Ghosh | Pulse | LinkedIn

Azure "reboot" to Server 2016

Virtual Machine Planned Maintenance | Azure Friday | Channel 9

"During September 2017, you can try the new experience by creating new VMs in the US West Central region"
Maintenance and updates for Windows VMs in Azure | Microsoft Docs

"Azure periodically performs updates to improve the reliability, performance, and security of the host infrastructure for virtual machines. These updates range from patching software components in the hosting environment (like operating system, hypervisor, and various agents deployed on the host), upgrading networking components, to hardware decommissioning. The majority of these updates are performed without any impact to the hosted virtual machines. However, there are cases where updates do have an impact:
If the maintenance does not require a reboot, Azure uses in-place live migration to pause the VM while the host is updated."

In this case the host OS is being upgraded form Server 2012 (R2) to Server 2016. 
New VMs are already being created on Server 2016, now existing long running VMs need to migrate.