Saturday, June 18, 2022


Web3U Registration A

"...Web3, cryptocurrency and NFTS are the FUTURE and will extend far beyond the internet.
...Web3 University to help you learn this new world.

Impact Theory NFTU
Web3U Part 1: First Principles

Learn the first principles that the blockchain & cryptocurrencies are built on - as well as the philosophy of Web 3.0, why this movement matters, and how technology is reshaping our future.

Impact Theory NFTU
Web3U Part 2: Getting Started & Understand Rules Of The Game

Learn the first principles that the blockchain & cryptocurrencies are built on - as well as the philosophy of Web 3.0, why this movement matters, and how technology is reshaping our future.




MAUI = Multiplatform Apps UI

complete rewrite of Xamarin forms

same code for iOS, Android, Windows, Mac apps

Episode 38: .NET MAUI, IoT, and Handy the bionic Arm - with Clifford Agius // The Unhandled Exception Podcast

Official MAUI website