Tuesday, September 22, 2015

"Zone" Focus@Will Music To Boost Concentration and Focus

Focus@Will - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Focus@Will is a neuroscience based subscription service that uses phase sequenced playlists of instrumental music designed to improve users’ productivity."
Music To Boost Concentration and Focus - Focus@Will Music for concentration
"Listen Free.
On mobile, tablet or computer, listen to multiple music channels scientifically optimized to increase concentration and productivity. Listen FREE now with our 15 day trial no credit card required. Get focused now!
Track Your Focus For the past week with our automated productivity tracker.
Use Our Productivity Tracker to record your productivity and customize your sound sessions. Find out what types of music and energy level settings keep you most focused and productive so you can personalize for your cognitive type and biorhythms."


mentioned in: Salim Ismail - Disruption - YouTube

Top 100 Exponential Organizations

Top Exponential Organizations :: Powered by Rokk3r Labs
"The business world has learned over the last two decades how to scale technology – now it’s time to scale the organization. A new breed of Exponential Organizations (or ExOs) are delivering 10x or better performance benchmarks compared to their peers. We present below the 100 most scalable organizations in the world, based on the diagnostic survey in the award-winning book, “Exponential Organizations”.


ideas: Open Innovation, Quirky

Open innovation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Technology adoption lifecycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Innovation leadership - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The World's Top 10 Most Innovative Companies In The Internet Of Things | Fast Company | Business + Innovation

Is This the World's Most Creative Manufacturer? | Inc.com

Quirky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Quirky logo15.png

About Quirky | Quirky
"We make invention accessible. We believe the best ideas in the world aren't actually in the world, they're locked inside people's heads. We exist to solve that problem."