Sunday, September 21, 2014

"Wired" skies of the past

Telegraph, Telephone, Electricity... Most of it is under ground now...
And thanks to "packet networks" same cables are used for multiple connections.
Will 100 years from now our struggle with networks (neutrality) look similar?
I.e. wireless spectrum is used very selectively, but  it is abundant...

Photos from the Days When Thousands of Cables Crowded the Skies:
Photos from the Days When Thousands of Cables Crowded the Skies

Photos from the Days When Thousands of Cables Crowded the Skies

Photos from the Days When Thousands of Cables Crowded the Skies

Four short links: 16 September 2014 - O'Reilly Radar

Cloud Services Pricing

Pricing Overview | Microsoft Azure

Pricing Details - Websites | Microsoft Azure:

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Pricing

Custom Price Quotes with Google Cloud Pricing Calculator

quote: "A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor”

A collection of “A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor” images | A Smooth Sea:

a-smooth-sea-never-made-a-skilled-sailor-image-2 started injecting quotes like thin to articles on the web...

Forbes Quotes

IoT: Microsoft Windows + Intel Galileo board

Hands on with Microsoft's Internet of Things platform | CITEworld
wp 20140918 20 57 04 pro

How Microsoft thinks of wearables and smart devices | CITEworld
CPU Intel has put into the Quark system-on-a-chip (SoC) on the Galileo boards, which doesn't have the full set of instructions you'd need to run full .NET

("Quark" is "sub-Atom" :)

The potential for DIY experimenting is there, but world needs more integrated (higher abstraction level) gadgets, something like "iPod+iTunes of IoT".

IoT, eBook: The Epic Struggle of the Internet of Things The Epic Struggle of the Internet of Things eBook: Bruce Sterling: Kindle Store:

"The Internet of Things serves the interests of the technology giants, in their epic wrangles with each other. And it is they who will turn the jargon of “smart cities” and “smart homes” into a self-fulfilling prophesy. In this piercing and provocative essay, Bruce Sterling tells the story of an idea that just won’t go away because there’s too much money to be made and a whole world to control."

ML: Deep Learning Bibliography

Deep Learning Bibliography | Memkite:

"DeepLearning.University is an annotated bibliography of recent publications (2014-) related to Deep Learning"

Google Guide: "Writing Testable Code" (!)

From a creator of AngularJS, internal Google's guide now made public: Testable Code.pdf

Thumb-phones? (iPhone 6)

How Much You'll Have to Stretch Your Thumb to Use the New iPhones:

How Much You'll Have to Stretch Your Thumb to Use the New iPhones

How Do Users Really Hold Mobile Devices? :: UXmatters

The two methods of cradling a mobile phone

Two-handed use when holding a phone vertically or horizontally