Sunday, April 12, 2020

React Native for Windows

React Native - MS Dev Show Podcast

Getting Started · React Native for Windows & Mac

Cadence: Workflow Engine

Cadence: Uber's Workflow Engine with Maxim Fateev - Software Engineering Daily
The interview with creator of Cadance in Uber,
who was also tech lead on AWS SWF,
and also worked on Azure and Google..

Company behind Cadence support:
"Invincible applications, invisible infrastructure
Use Workflow as Code™ to build and operate resilient applications using developer friendly primitives. Write business logic - not glue code - and Temporal takes care of the rest."

Java or Go code to define workflows.

Go, MIT license

video presentation

AWS IAM + Serverless Framework

The ABCs of IAM: Managing permissions with Serverless

Serverless Framework - AWS Lambda Guide - IAM

example serverless.yml
2  name: aws
3  runtime: nodejs6.10
4  iamRoleStatements:
5    - Effect: "Allow"
6      Action:
7       - dynamodb:Query
8       - dynamodb:Scan
9       - dynamodb:GetItem
10       - dynamodb:PutItem
11       - dynamodb:UpdateItem
12       - dynamodb:DeleteItem
13      Resource: "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-west-2:111110002222:table/my-new-table"