Project Centennial": Converting your Classic Windows App (Win32, .Net, COM) to a Universal Windows App for Distribution in the Windows Store | Build 2015 | Channel 9
Download Desktop App Converter Preview (Project Centennial) from Official Microsoft Download Center
Simplifying the Road from Win32 to Windows 10 @ InfoQ
"Centennial works by launching your installer in a dedicated container that presents a fake Windows environment that looks real. It does not actually install your application, but rather monitors all system changes your application’s installer makes. This includes new files, file associations, and registry changes. Once Centennial understands how your installer works, it can produce a valid APPX package that follows UWP guidelines. Centennial will work on any installer that is silent, that is, the installer must not require any user interaction (clicking next, slicking installation directory, etc)."
Porting Win32 Applications to Windows 10 with VS15 @ InfoQ