Saturday, March 14, 2020

Variable-length encoding

LEB128 - Wikipedia

LEB128 or Little Endian Base 128 is a form of variable-length code compression used to store an arbitrarily large integer in a small number of bytes. LEB128 is used in the DWARF debug file format[1][2] and the WebAssembly binary encoding for all integer literals.[3]
MSB ------------------ LSB
      10011000011101100101  In raw binary
     010011000011101100101  Padded to a multiple of 7 bits
 0100110  0001110  1100101  Split into 7-bit groups
00100110 10001110 11100101  Add high 1 bits on all but last (most significant) group to form bytes
    0x26     0x8E     0xE5  In hexadecimal

→ 0xE5 0x8E 0x26            Output stream (LSB to MSB)

What is most significant bit or byte? - Definition from

The most significant bit (MSB) is the bit in a multiple-bit binary number with the largest value. This is usually the bit farthest to the left, or the bit transmitted first in a sequence. For example, in the binary number 1000, the MSB is 1, and in the binary number 0111, the MSB is 0.

leb128 · GitHub Topics

wasm-LEB128/unsigned.js at master · shmishtopher/wasm-LEB128

UTF-8 - Wikipedia

The Long-Term Stock Exchange

From author of "Lean Startup" book, here comes potential transformation of stock markets

Eric Ries: Long-Term Stock Exchange - The Long Now

"In 02019, the Long-Term Stock Exchange was approved as the country’s 14th and newest stock exchange. It offers a new framework for companies to raise capital while keeping their focus on long-term results. By requiring participating companies to accept a set of governance standards and incentive systems that deprioritize the short-term, the Long-Term Stock Exchange hopes to reward investments and business strategies that focus on a longer time horizon.

Eric Ries is the founder and CEO of Long-Term Stock Exchange. He created the Lean Startup methodology and is author of The Lean Startup and The Startup Way. Ries founded IMVU and served as an Entrepreneur-in-Residence at Harvard Business School, IDEO, and Pivotal."

The Long-Term Stock Exchange Comes to Life - LTSE Blog

The LTSE is designed to remove the short-term pressures that plague today’s public markets and reorient companies and investors around long-term thinking. Through brand new listing standards, software tools, and advocacy, we’re reinventing the public company experience with novel approaches to executive compensation, shareholder voting, disclosure practices, board and stakeholder policies, and community governance.

gRPC info

very informative podcast interview with gRPC core team member, and useful links

gRPC, with Richard Belleville - Kubernetes Podcast from Google