Saturday, February 16, 2013

Big Data: China’s Genome Factory

Inside China’s Genome Factory | MIT Technology Review
"BGI-Shenzhen, once known as the Beijing Genomics Institute, has burst from relative obscurity to become the world’s most prolific sequencer of human, plant, and animal DNA. In 2010, with the aid of a $1.58 billion line of credit from China Development Bank, BGI purchased 128 state-of-the-art DNA sequencing machines for about $500,000 apiece. It now owns 156 sequencers from several manufacturers and accounts for some 10 to 20 percent of all DNA data produced globally. So far, it claims to have completely sequenced some 50,000 human genomes—far more than any other group.

BGI quotes prices as low as $3,000 to sequence a person’s DNA. "

AMQP vs 0MQ: Message Queuing Protocols

As AMPQ message queuing protocol is being standardized and widely adopted,
there is some "drama" in the process.
iMatrix, original creator of AMQP now has a different idea and solution: 0MQ
ØMQ for AMQP users

AMQP and ØMQ have quite different goals. 
AMQP aims to commoditize existing enterprise messaging patterns, 
while ØMQ aims to create messaging patterns that can succeed at Internet scale... 
ØMQ is like Git (essentially distributed) whereas AMQP is like SVN (essentially centralized).

Advanced Message Queuing Protocol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
is an open standard application layer protocol for message-oriented middleware. The defining features of AMQP are message orientation, queuing, routing (including point-to-point and publish-and-subscribe), reliability and security. 


AMQP is managed by OASIS, same organization that standardized complex WS-* protocols,
by large enterprise vendors IBM, Oracle, Microsoft. Similar contexts, similar solutions...