Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Xamarin += Charles Petzold

Yet Another Podcast #128: The Legendary Charles Petzold | Jesse Liberty:
Xamarin (.NET tools for iOS and Android) is gaining popularity, and now with Charles Petzold on board it will certainly have excellent documentation! In particular Xamarin Forms make a credible  portable mobile GUI platform.
slider transforms via xaml

IoT: Red Hat, security and messaging

Here's How Red Hat Entered the Massive Internet of Things Market Without Even Trying (GE, RHT):

"Red Hat, we need a slimmed-down version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux to go on our products, because we can't have our refrigerator or our TV all of a sudden getting hacked and spouting spam or people turning on the cameras,' etc.


So Red Hat was basically pushed into the Internet of Things, by having robust security and messaging systems..."

IoT: Microsoft's startups accelerator

Meet the 10 startups in Microsoft's new Internet of Things and home automation accelerator - GeekWire:

"a closer look at the 10 companies Microsoft has picked to participate in the program, which begins this fall in Redmond."

Plum is making wi-fi enabled lightpads.

IoT: another infographics

What is the Internet of Things? (Infographic) @ What's The Big Data?