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How To Build a Raspberry Pi Rubiks Cube Solving Robot - YouTube
BrickPi - Dexter Industries
BrickPi3 Starter Kit - Dexter Industries: $180 (LEGO parts no included)
or GoPiGo Beginner Starter Kit: the Raspberry Pi Robot Car: $200
Also available on Dexter Industries
Dexter Industries is a company that designs robots for education, researchers, and hobbyists. The company makes several products that expand the LEGO Mindstorms system, Raspberry Pi, and Arduino prototyping system."
And here is the "smart part:"
Raspberry Pi cameras takes photos of each side of the cube.
Video suggest using this Python tool for solving the cube:
muodov/kociemba: A pure Python and pure C ports of Kociemba's algorithm for solving Rubik's cube @ GitHub
The tool is using this algorithm:
Solve Rubik's Cube with Cube Explorer
And here is a proof that Rubik's cube can be solved in 20 steps of less.
God's Number is 20 : "With about 35 CPU-years of idle computer time donated by Google, a team of researchers has essentially solved every position of the Rubik's Cube™, and shown that no position requires more than twenty moves."
Cube Animation comes from here: