Sunday, August 09, 2015

Securing Azure Virtual Network with Network ACL

Securing your Azure Virtual Network using Network ACLs with Narayan Annamalai | Azure Friday | Channel 9

"A Network Access Control List (ACL) is a security enhancement available for your Azure deployment. An ACL provides the ability to selectively permit or deny traffic for a virtual machine endpoint
How ACLs work?
An ACL is an object that contains a list of rules. When you create an ACL and apply it to a virtual machine endpoint, packet filtering takes place on the host node of your VM. This means the traffic from remote IP addresses is filtered by the host node for matching ACL rules instead of on your VM. This prevents your VM from spending the precious CPU cycles on packet filtering."

Network ACLs and load balanced sets

Microsoft Maker.js: Drawings For CNC And Laser Cutters

Microsoft/maker.js @ GitHub

Meet Microsoft's Maker.js, A JavaScript Library For Creating Drawings For CNC And Laser Cutters - Microsoft News


CodeChat 034 - Dan Marshall Made Awesome Maker.js | CodeChat | Channel 9
" can use your JS coding skills to draw pictures. We're talking exact diagrams that are defined programmatically and described by vectors. The result is an .svg or .dxf file that you can very easily send to a laser cutter, CNC router, or even to D3 if that makes you happy."

Architecture: Geodesic Homes

Geodesic dome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"A geodesic dome is a spherical or partial-spherical shell structure or lattice shell based on a network of great circles(geodesics) on the surface of a sphere. The geodesics intersect to form triangular elements that have local triangular rigidity and also distribute the stress across the structure."
There’s No Place Like Dome: 7 Geodesic Homes - Trulia's Blog - Real Estate 101

Home for sale in Fort McCoy FL

Home for sale in Portland, ME

Home for sale in Idaho Springs, CO

Home for sale in Randolph NJ

Home for sale in Ojai California

Solar Greenhouses, Geodesic Dome Greenhouses, Home Greenhouse Kits, Year Round Greenhouses, Backyard Greenhouse


File:Solar dome full immpression-with pentagon window wood base door.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Natural Spaces Domes

ML: Azure Data Factory

Announcing the General Availability of Azure Data Factory - Machine Learning - Site Home - TechNet Blogs

"Microsoft Azure Data Factory (ADF) is ... a key component of the recently announced Microsoft Cortana Analytics Suite, ADF is a fully managed cloud-based data integration service that orchestrates and automates the movement and transformation of data. It is part of a family of state-of-the-art cloud analytics products including Azure Data Catalog, Azure Machine Learning, HDInsight, Power BI, and Azure Stream Analytics that are helping our enterprise customers transform data into intelligent action.

With ADF, existing data processing services can be composed into data pipelines that are highly available and managed in the cloud. These data pipelines can be scheduled to ingest, prepare, transform, analyze, and publish data, and ADF will manage and orchestrate all of the complex data and processing dependencies without human intervention. Solutions can be quickly built and deployed in the cloud, connecting a growing number of on-premises and cloud data sources."

How to Fail Smart (and learn from it)

Strategies for Learning from Failure by Amy C. Edmondson — HBS Working Knowledge

podcast: Fail, Quit, Lose: The Danger In Glorifying Failure | On Point with Tom Ashbrook

" places like Silicon Valley, failure is seen as good. It’s practically a fetish, where never failing suggests you’re not trying hard enough. And yet it seems only the winners preach that lesson. Are there times when giving up the dream makes the most sense?"

...When you quit in a rush, you didn't really let go the old, and you carry all old baggage, that dooms you for failure again, and prevents from learning from the experience. You have to quit in a certain way to manage your thoughts and emotions, allow to 'let go', and then figure out where do you go next. Only then quitting opens up a new path, and possibility for a lesson.

"In advance of any new opportunity or enterprise you have to ask yourself:
  1. Is the opportunity, upside, potentially significant here?
    If not, why bother wasting your time, and failing in it?
  2. Will the outcome of this action be informative?
    If the outcome is knowable in the advance, skip it.
    We should only have "new failures"
  3. Is the cost and scope relatively small?
    Don't bet the farm on something completely uncertain.
  4. Have you articulated key assumptions that will be tested?
    And will the plan test those assumptions.
...Before we have a failure, make sure it is "smart" one, 
one from which we could learn, we could either succeed or we could learn. 

If we go ahead and fail, we have very specific terrain to look our assumptions, 
and how we could have done differently. Then we are in the good position not to quit, but to "pivot", to try something different in direction what is articulated that might be significant opportunity. "

Losing Is Good for You - The New York Times
"...By age 4 or 5, children aren’t fooled by all the trophies. They are surprisingly accurate in identifying who excels and who struggles. Those who are outperformed know it and give up, while those who do well feel cheated when they aren’t recognized for their accomplishments. They, too, may give up.

It turns out that, once kids have some proficiency in a task, the excitement and uncertainty of real competition may become the activity’s very appeal.
If children know they will automatically get an award, what is the impetus for improvement?
Why bother learning problem-solving skills, when there are never obstacles to begin with?"