ArtofWebAssembly_chapter2.pdf (WAT basiscs)
The Art of WebAssembly @OReilly LearningThe Art of WebAssembly | No Starch Press
battlelinegames/ArtOfWasm: Code repo for "The Art of WebAssembly" by Rick Battagline @GitHub
Parsing in JavaScript: all the tools and libraries you can use @ strumenta
- Antlr (
- PegJS (
- Nearley (
PEG.js – Parser Generator for JavaScript
Ohm: Parsing Made Easy – Nextjournal
Implementing a Simple Compiler on 25 Lines of JavaScript · Minko Gechev's blog
Casual Parsing in JavaScript | Brandon's Website
JSON Parser with JavaScript | Tan Li Hau
Write a parser with JavaScript | Hacker News
j-s-n/WebBS: A toy language that compiles to WebAssembly