such as Generics and Async. Now, it is adding "Cloud" and "Parallel."
With MBrace library there is a "Cloud" command that can submit computing to "Cloud"
and continue with results!
Crunching through big data with MBrace, Azure and F# | fsharp + ML |> MVP Summit 2015 | Channel 9
"MBrace.Core is a simple programming model for scalable cloud data scripting and programming with F# and C#. With MBrace.Azure, you can script Azure for large-scale compute and data processing, directly from your favourite editor."
Part 1 - Distributed computations and Big Data with F# cloud monads
let maxContentLength = cloud {
let lengthsJob = [| "";""|] |> (getContentLength >> Cloud.OfAsync) let! lengths = Cloud.Parallel lengthsJob return Array.max lengths } let getContentLength (url : string) = async { let request = HttpWebRequest.Create(url) let! response = request.AsyncGetResponse() return response.ContentLength }