Sunday, July 16, 2023

DotNet, DB: EF Core Power Tools

 EF Core Power Tools - Visual Studio Marketplace

Useful design-time DbContext features, added to the Visual Studio Solution Explorer context menu.

When right-clicking on an applicable C# project, the following context menu functions are available:

Reverse Engineer - Generates POCO classes, derived DbContext and mappings for an existing Azure SQL Database, SQL Server, SQLite, Postgres, MySQL, Firebird or Oracle database, a SQL Server Database project or a .dacpac file. Offers an advanced UI for selecting database objects, including views, stored procedures and functions, and preserves all options in a configuration file in your project.

Migrations Tool - Manage EF Core Migrations in the project, get migration status, add migration and update the database to keep your model and database in sync.

Add DbContext Model Diagram - Adds a DGML graph from your DbContext Model.


DGML - Wikipedia

Directed Graph Markup Language (DGML) is an XML-based file format for directed graphs.

Directed Graph Markup Language (DGML) reference - Visual Studio (Windows) | Microsoft Learn