Tuesday, December 18, 2012

MSDN (free) Learning: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3

Microsoft Virtual Academy

Developing in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 Jump Start

Exam 70-480: (free with code HTMLJMP until 2013-03-31)

Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3

Why is Microsoft pushing HTML5 so hard?
Likely because this will make current iOS and Android
advantage in numbers less relevant, since HTML5 apps are mostly portable. Plus, there is many more developers familiar with web than with Objective-C or even Java.

Fastbook: HTML5 app faster than native iOS Facebook app

Sencha is making HTML5 tools.
Recently, Facebook decided that HTML5 is just not fast enough, so they created native app for iPhone.
Sencha has now demonstrated that HTML5 app could be faster than native!

The Making of Fastbook: An HTML5 Love Story | Blog | Sencha

Sencha Fastbook from Sencha on Vimeo.

MIT Wireless Electricity

MIT Makes Breakthrough in Wireless Electricity - Emerging Technology - News - DigitalCamerainfo.com

The research team was able to light the 60-watt bulb from one coil to the other coil two meters (6.56 feet) away. The first trial experiment of WiTricity had a 40 percent efficiency rate, explained Karalis. That is, 40 percent of the power from the first coil made it to the light bulb, leaving 60 percent of energy absorbed by the wire.

Microsoft Surface Skateboard

Microsoft turns Surface tablet into a skateboard, Windows chief Steven Sinofsky takes it for a spin

Majestic Mountains panoramic theme - Microsoft Windows

Majestic Mountains panoramic theme - Microsoft Windows

When multiple monitors are connected to a Windows PC (7, 8)
each monitor has a separate picture from the selected theme.

Apparently there are also special collections with multiple related images
to be displayed together and form a "panoramic" photos. Great.

Serbian Landscapes theme - Microsoft Windows

Serbian Landscapes theme - Microsoft Windows

Lighthouses theme - Microsoft Windows

Lighthouses theme - Microsoft Windows

Nordic Landscapes theme - Microsoft Windows

Nordic Landscapes theme - Microsoft Windows

Tablet Surface is promoted even with Windows "Themes", collections of background images for Windows desktop.

Besides focus on "tiles" start page, there is still a "desktop" even on Windows RT...