JavaScript: the First 20 Years by Allen Wirfs-Brock and Brendan Eich

JavaScript: The First 20 Years | Zenodo
Allen Wirfs-Brock (editor of ES6) and Brendan Eich (you know what he did) have published the definitive 20 year history of JavaScript. It is a 190 page treatment for The History of Programming Languages Conference, which only occur once every 13-15 years (1978, 1993, 2007, 2020). It took them 3 years to write the final manuscript.
Read it:
If you have any interest in programming languages at all, you should read it. Modern JavaScript, warts and all, is one of the biggest achievements of humanity, especially in the Information Age and the democratization of computing.
History won’t stop here - HOPL-V in ~2035 might be more about visual programming languages and ”no code” than it is traditional text editing. Every time programming gets easier, people get more infuriated, and yet the world keeps turning toward enabling more programmers. The Future of Programming is clear, even if we’re never quite there yet.
The Third Age of JavaScript
The third year of the third age of JS with swyx joining Jerod & Nick (JS Party #226) |> Changelog
- Reactathon
- swyx’s talk at Reactathon
- The Third Age of JavaScript
- Lydia Hallie’s talk on rendering patterns
- The Birth and Death of JavaScript
- The Rise of WebAssembly (Infoworld)
- Ryan Dahl on JavaScript containers
- swyx on The Changelog #467
- The other thing I like about esbuild is that it’s a static Go binary, so I feel more confident that I’ll be able to get it to work in the future than with tool written in Javascript, just because I understand the Javascript ecosystem